Frequently asked questions
Will we prioritize Mobile or PC?
Neither, we plan to give the full set of features and attention to detail to both platforms. We won't treat any platform as second-class.
Will the game be paid/free?
Paid on steam with all content unlocked, free to play on mobile with purchasable expansions.
On Steam, the game will cost around $25-30 (with adjusted regional pricing).
When will the game release?
We are aiming to release it to both Mobile and Steam in roughly 6 months.
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With SFS2 coming, what will happen to SFS1?
We don’t see the sequel as a replacement for the first game, as the 2D aspect makes it unique.
We will continue adding updates from occasionally. Development time wise, we will spend about 2/3 of our time on the sequel and 1/3 on the first game. We have grown into a team of 7 people now, it should be viable. As long as players are still playing it, we will keep supporting it.
Will my phone be able to run the game?
Despite the game's high graphical fidelity, we are working extremely hard on keeping the game optimized. We understand the importance of being able to reach a wider audience with lower performance phones. We bought a whole bunch of old phones to ensure it runs even on older & weaker devices.
Will the game have the full solar system at release?
We plan to add it eventually, but it won't be there yet for initial release. We choose to instead focus on fewer planets and aim for higher quality at first. We’ll be expanding the Solar System during Early Access. I'm especially excited to work on Saturn.
Will the game have planes?
Not at initial release, but we want to add them soon after. We will focus on Space Shuttle, Skylon, SR-71 Blackbird and Dream Chaser style aircraft parts.
From what you can gather from the last few answers, we want to release as soon as possible, get player feedback, and iterate based on that feedback.
Will the game be moddable?
We plan to keep the game as open and moddable as possible as we understand how much mods can bring to the game. We will most likely add an official PC mod loader soon after release.